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Cultural intelligence, what is it and how much do you have?
Understand and increase your Cultural Intelligence (CQ.) Realise the blunders you are already making. Become a better transnational communicator. All this and more in the latest newsletter. Newsletter 13 September 2015

Ten tips to make a great first impression
First mpressions of people and places are given and received. How does this apply to immigrants? How can you increase your chance of making a great impression?.All this and more in the latest newsletter. Newsletter 12 July 2015

Immigrants are like trees, and this is not a knicker fetish!
How are immigrants like trees? What do you need to prune when you migrate? What is our underwear drawer telling us? How to get help and increase your support networks, and more on goodbyes.All this and more in the latest newsletter.

Warning: Emotions overpower economics for return migration.

Why do migrants, immigrants, expats, or transnationals want to return to their homeland to live? I suggest the reasons for their return are driven by emotions rather than economics. Wings is a grat example of a support network that can make your stay easier.
Newsletter 10 - March 2015

Marriage Communicating and Picking plums 
Communicating with your spouse can be hard. Use this tip to help. An excerpt from my book and a lighthearted look on how an immigrant can feel out of place. Read it all in the latest newsletter.
Newsletter 9 - January 2015

9 Strategies For A Happier Immigrant       Christmas
Find help in the crazy holiday season. Why is Christmas hard for immigrants, what can you do to help? Find out what other people in the world do for the season. A link to a website with more help for immigrants. All this and more in my latest newsletter.
Newsletter 8 - November 2014

Double Wedding Ceremonies

If you need to celebrate your wedding in two countries, what should you consider? Highlights and thoughts from of the launch of my book, The Emotional Challenges of Immigration and a warning about having enough in your budget for the visits home. All in the September Newsletter.Newsletter 7 September 2014

Launching Books To Boulders 

Did you know how boulder hopping can help you be more assertive? Any immigrant has already learnt from taking big strides. What else can you can do to keep up the momentum? Has your name been mispronounced? See a comic example of a teacher getting it all wrong. And my book launch is approaching.    Newsletter 6 July 2014

How Migrants Help Each Other Online
You can get information online, but you can also get help in other ways. How are migrants helping each other? Where can you go to help and be helped? Don't forget to live in the tangible world too.

Dual Citizenship. Is It Worth It?
Are you a dual citizen? Do you want to be? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Alison's story of her lost passport.
Newsletter 4 March 2014

The Zen Of Feeling An Outsider

Do you ever feel like an outsider?  Read ways of avoiding feelings of feeling left out or isolation. If there are a group of outsiders, are they still outsiders?
 Newsletter 3 Jan 2014

12 Ways To Overcome Homesickness and more

Learn about homesickness and how to overcome it. Learn about getting it right when greeting people of different nationalities. Play how many artists can you name as they perform through Lou Reed's song Perfect Day. Click on the link below for this newsletter.
Newsletter 2 Nov 2013

Culture Shock or Brain Shock?

Read about what your brain has to go through when it is processing all the changes of a new environment. See 100 images of migration. Click on the link below.
Newsletter 1 Sept 2013

From here on it will be released every two months. Nov, Jan, March, May.July, Sept.
Click here to sign up for the newsletter and receive a free and exclusive Ten Tips To Become A More Settled Immigrant. Newsletter subscribers will also have a special offer available to them when my book is for sale.
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